St Mary's Church

Welcome to St Mary's Church

The church is open daily during daylight hours for visits and prayer

The services at Caynham Parish Church are traditional language services (the Book of Common Prayer) except for the Family Service which is a contemporary language service (based on Common Worship). All Services last about an hour. Refreshments are provided after the Family Service.

St Mary's Caynham needs YOU

Would you be willing to be a sidesman and help organise our services? Would you like read one of the lessons? Do you want to join the PCC (Parochial Church Council) and help run and look after the church and churchyard and keep it going for the future? Would you prefer to help on a more informal basis?

Take your pick and contact Stephen Ashford

Caynham has infrequent services, so any involvement is unlikely to be very time consuming.

Main Church Contacts


Revd. Lynn Money, St Mary's Rectory, Donkey Lane, Ashford Carbonell, SY8 4DA Tel: 01584 831203, email: 


Ann Reid tel: 01584 875519

Stephen Ashford tel: 01584 874402. email:

Ashford's Group Church Office

7, The Hayles, Donkey Lane, Ashford Carbonell, SY8 4DA

Open on Mondays and Thursdays 9:00am - 1.00pm 

Administrator: Clare Bicker-Caarten, Tel: 01584 831585